Today is my grandaughter's last day to visit,she loves bluberries- soooo I thought I would make her what my oldest daughter LaNae would call "Smurfberry Muffins"-Blueberry Muffins. She called it that because the way we do it, the dough looks kinda grayish-purple, I guess just because it was a colored batter it generated her thought to the smurfs who at the time was quite popular, it just makes it fun. Everyone loves these muffins, probably because there is more than a blueberry in every bite and the crunchy topping gives it that little extra ,soaring it over the top.
The thing about these muffins is you can prepare the topping mixture, wrap it and refrigerate it and mix the dry ingredients together the night before and it will be a breeze the next morning. How did this get started? Well, I always have loved muffins and a girlfriend Jenice gave me a muffin book one year for christmas. I liked the recipes and at the same time could come up with ways to make them better. I found out that I prefer frozen bumbucha (BIG) blueberries. They are so much better in the batter, frozen keeps the berries from breaking up, juicy when baked and I found that a lot of people used the really small blueberries I just did not care for them so wella this has been our trademark. I also felt the muffins needed some crunch so what better than a crumb topping with a little cinnamon! We just love it- hope you do too! So here it goes!
Preheat oven to 375F
Mix together: 1 1/4 cups flour, 1/2 cup packed brown sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 cup cold salted butter, cubed.
Mix together until it is a crumb like texture. Refrigerate until ready to put topping on muffins.
In a bowl beat until creamy: 1/2 cup salted butter; add 1 cup granulated sugar mix until fluffy.
Crack two large eggs in a small bowl and one at a time add to butter mixture beating well after each addition.Next mix in 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1/4 tsp. salt.

Cream the butter.
Beat eggs in one at a time, mixing well.
The batter after the second egg addition.
The beautiful color of the batter.

Batter after all milk and flour has been added.
Mix in the FROZEN blueberries. The coldness of the berries keeps the berries from smooshing up so much. It also keeps the batter together nicely when scooping into the liners.
Sprinkle crumb topping on top using all the topping. I like to make a double batch of the topping and use it all up. When using muffin tins spray the top pf the pan also.
It depends on who I am making the muffins for, I either use foil liners or a little nicer cup liner and you can even add a tulip liner to put in the cup liner, which makes it very professional looking.

Meanwhile: CLEAN-UP! When you have help it's even better!

Granchildren are such a joy!

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